Mighty Milers is a free national running program sponsored by the New York Road Runners for kids of all fitness levels from kindergarten through eighth grade. It's designed to get kids moving and prevent obesity and illness. This year there are 1,110 schools participating in the program and Crestview is one of them! This year we have an amazing 200 students participating.
Our Mighty Milers have ran/walked a total of 2,214 miles so far. This would be from Carlisle to the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
The program is facilitated by Crestview Physical Education Teacher, Mrs. Bonnie Rodgers.
The following students presented a very informative overview of the program:
Lucas Ream
Molly Renninger
Avery Kipp
Parker Heberlig
Justin Brody
Elisabeth Forrester
Congratulations Mighty Milers for your accomplishments!