Crestview Elementary School values and appreciates our Military families. Our goal is to help assist all of our families with transitioning to and from Crestview.
We know Military moves can be difficult for all members of the family—including children. Your own child may struggle as they say goodbye to their old friends and adjust to new routines after a move. Trying to fit in as “the new kid” in school while adjusting to their new normal can sometimes cause your military child to experience academic issues. Each state and school district may have different standards, requirements, and curriculum, which can be tough for your family to navigate.
The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children was specifically designed to eliminate some of those roadblocks. It is an agreement among states to provide uniform treatment for military children moving to new school districts.
Specifically, the Compact can help with:
Enrollment: Schools should accept unofficial or hand-carried records when enrolling your child, rather than waiting to receive an official transcript from their previous school.
Placement: If your child was receiving special education services at their old school, the new school should place them in a comparable program. The new school may conduct its own evaluation later to make sure your student is appropriately placed.
Attendance: Districts should allow military kids to miss school to attend deployment-related activities.
Eligibility: Regardless of age, your student should be able to continue at the grade level they were enrolled in at their previous school.
Crestview Elementary School is committed to supporting all our families including our Military students!
Please let us know how we can help your transition to be as smooth as possible!