What is Title I?
Title I is a federally funded education program. The program provides supplemental funds to school districts to assist schools with the highest student concentrations of poverty to meet school educational goals.
What is a Title I school?
A Title I school is an individual school receiving federal funds for Title I students.
Which CASD schools receive Title I funding?
Hamilton Elementary School, Bellaire Elementary School, LeTort Elementary School, Mount Holly Springs Elementary School, Mooreland Elementary School and Crestview Elementary School are all schoolwide Title I schools within our district.
How is Title I funding being used?
Title I funding supports the hiring of additional staff to ensure we meet the diverse needs of all students. This includes instructional coaches, reading specialists, and interventionists. Title I funding also provides educational resources that are used inside and outside of the classroom. These include leveled texts, professional texts for staff, and professional learning opportunities. Title I money also supports a family resource center in each Title I school. These centers contain many activities and learning games that students can check out and use in their homes. Title I funding is also used to host multiple family engagement nights throughout the school year.
Can the money be used only for students who are economically disadvantaged?
No. In fact, Title I does not receive the names of those families. Schoolwide Title I programs serve all of the students at Hamilton, Bellaire, LeTort, Mt. Holly Springs, Mooreland and Crestview Elementary Schools.
What are the responsibilities of Title I Parents?
Parents have a large role in Title I. Parents are invited to schoolwide Title I meetings, conferences, and workshops annually. They receive standards based report cards about their child’s progress and suggestions for how they might help the child at home. Children who receive intensive literacy (reading and writing) service also receive intervention reports that detail their child’s progress in the reading intervention program. Research indicates that children whose parents are involved have a much better rate of success in school!
Parent Involvement
Schoolwide Title I strives to engage parents in all aspects of their children's education experience. Parent Resources include the Parent Compact and Family Involvement Policies for each of the schoolwide Title I buildings and school policies.
Parent Resource Center
We encourage parents to use the Parent Resource Center in each of our schoolwide Title I buildings. The centers work like a library and contain many exciting games and activities that can be used at home and then returned to school. Our teachers and literacy coaches in each building can assist you in selecting the items that will be most useful to your child.